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Benefits of Brown Sugar VS White Sugar for People with Diabetes

Brown sugar has been known by the people of Indonesia for a long time, both as a natural sweetener or seasoning. More than that, brown sugar is also considered better for people with diabetes than white sugar. Maybe not many people know that the brown sugar derived from the sap of this coconut tree has good nutrition for health, such as iron, minerals, zinc, calcium, potassium, polyphenols, antioxidants, and inulin. Not only that, the glycemic index (IG) of brown sugar is also lower than other sweeteners. So it is natural that brown sugar is often consumed by people with diabetes.

Benefits of Brown Sugar Compared to White Sugar

The benefits of brown sugar so far are considered better than white sugar, especially after it is known to have a relatively low glycemic index, which is around 54. The glycemic index itself is a number that illustrates the impact of certain foods on increasing one's blood sugar levels. High glycemic index is above 70. That is, carbohydrates in food quickly break down and release glucose into the blood. Some foods with high IG numbers include:
  • White rice.
  • White bread.
  • Whole wheat bread.
  • Rice porridge.
  • Instant oat porridge.
  • Potato.
  • Chips.
Meanwhile, the numbers 55 and below indicate the opposite. Foods with low IG numbers, such as brown sugar, pasta, kidney beans, soybeans, beans, oranges, carrots, bananas, mangoes, strawberries, and dates. While white sugar or sucrose is classified into the middle IG in the IG 56-69 range. However, keep in mind that IG numbers in foods can differ from one individual to another, depending on how to combine the food to be consumed. For example, the actual low glycemic index of brown sugar can be high, if consumed together with other foods that contain high carbohydrates and sugar. Apart from that, with a relatively small IG number, brown sugar is claimed to be a better choice for diabetic patients compared to white sugar whose IG numbers are slightly higher.

Brown Sugar is Safer, But Doesn't Mean Free

Although brown sugar is considered safe for people with diabetes. Not that brown sugar can then be consumed freely. This is because the calorie content of brown sugar is almost equivalent to white sugar, which is about four grams of carbohydrates and 16 calories per teaspoon. In addition, brown sugar on the market could also have been mixed with cane sugar and other ingredients, which makes the glycemic index high. Therefore, if you want to use brown sugar as a sweetener, the key is to consume it in limited quantities. If you consume excessive sugar, it will still increase your risk of developing metabolic syndrome and obesity. If you have diabetes and really want to eat sweet snacks, you can choose healthy alternative foods, such as fruit salad or fresh fruit. If you still want to use sugar, whatever the type of sugar, pay attention to the total amount of carbohydrates on the product label. That way, you can readjust your daily diet plan according to the calculation of carbohydrates and calories allowed. Don't hesitate to consult a nutritionist to find out the complete benefits of brown sugar.
